As Lockdown Eases: Advice from patients and staff
As we all adjust to changes in restrictions, our staff and patients share their own experiences of lockdown and transitioning to a “new normal”, highlighting their favourite pieces of advice offered by the Patient Experience team: Adjusting to life as lockdown eases.
‘’For me, getting up and going for a walk outside is a life saver these days that I work from home. It’s so easy to become stationary, glued to a screen, without realising I’ve haven’t moved for a while! The time away from my work or even thinking about the current situation refreshes me.”
– Anthony, Practice Educator.
"At the moment we are wearing PPE, and there has been a big adjustment for both the staff wearing it, and patients seeing us look so different. Hoping to reduce their anxiety, we transformed our PPE to make it look friendlier to our patients. Now it keeps us safe and gives the opportunities of patients to see us as Kings, Queens, Superman, Batman and other familiar superheroes!
- Simona, Staff Nurse, Recovery

“It can be overwhelming seeing how other people are using lockdown to be productive and this invisible pressure to also do something useful too... But I've realised it's still ok to procrastinate and this is actually a really good time for me to replenish and relax before the stresses of university return!”
- Laila, GOSH Young Persons' Advisory Group member.
“Working in Infection Prevention and Control, life during lockdown has been pretty intense and it’s been hard to manage a work/life balance. It has been really important for me to reflect on the good times with friends and family. I’ve also had great moments of laughter and camaraderie with work colleagues. Life is full of ups and downs and it’s important to remember the sunshine.”
- Dr. Elaine Cloutman-Green, Principal Clinical Scientist, Infection Prevention and Control.
"During Lockdown I was able to explore London's beautiful parks after work. Appreciating the beauty of nature really helps me recover and relax from our busy hospital everyday job and very tiring PPE. And keeps me fit and healthy too!"
- Victor, Senior Scrub Nurse.

"The pandemic has been difficult for everyone. Both my partner and I have worked very long hours during the lockdown period and we haven’t found much time for each other. Last weekend, we were able to spend two days away. We agreed to completely switch off from work and just focused on each other. The difference in my emotional resilience when I came back to work on Monday was noticeable, and just reinforced the importance of looking after yourself!”
- Vicki Heath, Deputy Trust Lead Healthcare Scientist
“Remember the good stuff. At first lockdown seemed very scary and strange to me, with not being able to see my friends and my sister and do normal day to day things such as shopping and going to school. Over time this disappeared as my eldest sister is pregnant and reminded me of the good that will be coming soon."
- Luella, GOSH Young Persons’ Advisory Group member.
“Lockdown has made me reflect on work-life balance and made me reassess some of the things I do. Things have been put on hold in my life and career and now reflecting back, I have decided to make changes in my life and plan for the future!”
- Francis Yongblah, Microbiology and Virology Laboratory Manager.